Saturday, 23 February 2008

Web Hosting Promotions

Easy CGI Dedicated Web HostingEASYCGI offers High Performance Virtual Private Server hosting plans. VPS hosting plans provide resellers a cost efficient resource for their hosting business or gives website owners more dedicated resources for websites that require more then the average website. EasyCGI's VPS plans are backed by 30 Day Money Back Guarantee and feature the Plesk 8.2 hosting control panel. All plans are hosted on the latest Microsoft Windows.Net Server 2003. Enjoy 50% discount for their VPS hosting plan for the first three months. Click on image link to get to the promotion page.

iPowerWeb Shared Web Hosting
iPowerWeb shared hosting plans are for those who require less demanding needs for web resources but still want a complete value-for-money plan. The plan includes a free domain name and up to US$80 of free advertising credits. There is a current post Valentine's promotion which slashes the shared hosting price plan from the usual US$7.95/month to US$4.95/month! Click on the image link to take you to the promotion page.

TipTop Cheap Web HostingAnd finally for those who have very simple web hosting needs such as a single web page, blog or message board, TipTop web hosting plans may be just right for you. Hosting plans start at an incredible US$1/month. Click on the image link to learn more about it.

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